Category: Web Fun
Let’s get small
I took a look at this site on my phone and about the only response was ugh. So a quick search turned up this theme, Twenty Twelve, pretty simple but most important it comes through nicely on a small screen. I have been paying more attention to this after using my wsdot small screen site…
(Oops, forgot to publish this last week.) There must be someone at MS with a sense of humor after all or perhaps John Cleese is consulting for them. Monty Python had a scit where a medical machine was brought into a hospital whose only redeeming value was that it went bing! Funny that MS wants…
My 15 minutes?
I think that I got my 15 minutes of fame today, while listening to one of my favorite podcasts, The Daily GizWiz, a letter I sent was read out. A couple weeks ago I had sent in a letter asking Leo Laporte to not sing with the jingles, when I was listening episode 769 in…
SimAquarium Fish notes
Notes on the various fish in SimAquarium, a fun widget that is available for the Opera browser. I have been looking for information on the fish in this little widget but have not been having much luck so here some my observations. Southern platyfish – Inexpensive fish that reproduces quickly. Does not produce a lot…